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Jill's books are roughly divided into age bands. This means the characters, content and crazy adventures will be suitable for this age and up - but they're not in any way dumbed down. Jill's books are unapologetically for big readers, young or old. They feature a fair bit of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics); a good dose of EI (Emotional Intelligence) ,
and a whole lot of YOU (you). 


JMB 7+

The Jane Blonde Series

7 spytastic adventures lead slightly shy Janey Brown through the transformational Wower into Jane Blonde, Sensational Spylet. With some wild new friends and family, she's set to make one super-sized discovery...

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The Matilda Peppercorn Quartet

Adopted kick-boxer Matilda joins a weird magical fight school. There, she finds out why she’s so powerful and occasionally blue, and about her crazy destiny that’s set in song, dance and legend ... 

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The Jack BC Trilogy

Jack Bootle-Cadogan just wants to be normal and fit in. But how can he do that when he's not only a lord-to-be - he's growing ears and fur. He's Anubis, god of death! Can he use his power ... for good? 

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Stein & Frank

Stein's the oldest boy ever - and for three hundred years, he's been the loneliest boy ever. If only he could make a friend. A best friend. On his birthday, his spooky parents and freaky friends show him how. From scratch. 

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JMB 11+

The SWAGG series

Jane Blonde, Jack BC, Tilly P and Stein join forces with mysterious leader, Gideon Flynn, to form uber-team SWAGG. Their task? 
1, save their friends

2, save their school

3, save the trees

4, save the world 

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Glossop Girl

Outspoken Lena Matthews is from the wrong side of the tracks. When a family tragedy takes her from the slums to a fine house in the Dark Peak, she's drawn into unforeseen secrets that might just help her find her true home.  

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JMB 15+


Prickly nerd Cat Andrews - aka Cat-astrophe - re-blends a splintered family and finds love is more than just chemical reaction when she accidentally clones the lead singer of the world’s biggest boyband, Double Vision

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Teenage caregiver Sasha feels responsible for her disabled mum, her vulnerable young sister, and the loss of her father - until the special attention of an observant angel at Work Experience Day gives her the chance to re-set the past, present and future

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At a summer art camp in a grand old hall, mentally fragile Poppy learns to love life and living again when she meets Tariq, who’s searching for his family’s past honour, and Robbie, who’s living a whole century ago...

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JMB 19+

The Most Beautiful Man in the World

When soap star Dane Isherwood is found murdered in Hollywood, three different women unravel the ugly truth – about themselves, about each other, and about the man they’ve all chased around the world and across the decades

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The Two Miss Parsons

Newly redundant executive, Cally, combines her search for a new career with her young daughter Paige's desire to meet her father. A round-the-world trip takes them into past, present and future loves into the ultimate blended family

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